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Know Your Worth!
The BTS Ministries is a God-centered nonprofit organization focusing on bringing awareness to the truth of your value and worth and actively demonstrating God’s love to those whom He loves.

Do you know how much you are loved and valued?
What are your standards or measures to determine your value?
Are you living beneath your value/worth?
Did you know?
Our culture has devalued us to the point that we measure our value and worth based on external factors.
Our culture has devalued us to the point that we measure our value and worth based on external factors.
God's Love does not depend on what you did or did not do.
You are not an "afterthought." You are a "beforethought."
You don't have to be good enough...He is good enough for you.
God saw your sins and acted on your worth. (He died for you). ~John 3:16
You must walk in acceptance of His love...It's freely given!
Knowing that God values you, makes you valuable.
Your Values Drive Your Choices!

Psalm 119:14-18
Before you had a name, you had value!
God placed this value on you that cannot be changed or altered. Learn to see yourself the way God sees you. When He created you, He had no one else in mind.
You are uniquely loved & valued. Walk in acceptance of His love.
Personal Stories
However, I didn’t feel worthy enough or willing to receive total redemption because I was so used to fighting, suffering, hurting, and pitying myself in silence. I could feel the Lord saying, “You can be full of pity or power,” as my gifts came without repentance and He showed me…