Genesis 1:27
In moments when you are UNSURE, regarding the state or situation that you find yourself in, I’m inviting you to first, take a deep breath and stay CALM. For God, our Father, the only Living, Loving, Wise, Amazing and Majestic God, has given you the mind and the spirit of EMPOWERMENT and PERSEVERANCE. But first, I want you to understand how I came to this conclusion. In the Bible, (the Word of God) says, in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
You see, this is how I am able to feel empowered, with an absolute drive, to persevere, because God didn’t just create me, he created me uniquely, in HIS OWN IMAGE! He wanted me, to not only be born, but to know also, that he values my existence so much, that he made me with all of the attributes of Jesus Christ, Himself. I am not a mistake, and neither are you. Because you are alive, that means that God wanted you here, to fulfill a unique purpose, on this earth, that only you can fulfill. And with that knowledge, it gives me confidence in knowing that You are a fore-thought, not an afterthought!