John 18:37
We often say that Jesus is the reason for the season, and rightfully so. I invite you to consider and reflect on another perspective. What if I told you that YOU are the reason for this season? For whatever reason…you may say, “Me, no way, I can’t be the reason.” The truth is that you are the reason! Have you ever considered that God’s story is your story? Let’s go on a quick but powerful journey based on the Word of God:
It all started with love. There was a lamb slain for YOU before the foundation of the world. Why, because God knew it was necessary for YOU before You knew You would need Him, even before You were born! He saw that YOU needed a Saviour.
In the beginning, God created Heaven and earth. He created man and woman and placed them in a beautiful garden where they lived perfectly in harmony with their Creator. Then there was a shift because Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, and from that choice, sin invaded the soul of every man and woman born into this world since Adam. So, death reigned upon all mankind. The law of the God of the universe is that sin cannot go unpunished. It has consequences. The penalty for sin requires death, and death means separation from God. Man could not save himself from the curse of sin. No amount of self-effort can help You get rid of the guilt and shame of your sins and put You back into the right fellowship with God. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. You may ask, “Is there any hope?” The answer is “yes.” The God of love and mercy had a plan of redemption. You are the specific reason He sent His son Jesus into the world. You see, He made His way down through forty-two generations from Abraham to Christ, just for YOU. Are You convinced that You are the reason for this season, yet? I am hopeful for You. Let’s continue. Jesus was never contaminated with sin. Therefore, He was the perfect sacrifice and atonement for our sins. We deserved to die, but Jesus came to be the real and final payment for our sins. There was no other arm to save us from the penalty of sin. Jesus took our place, our substitute.
God ushered His Son into the world through the virgin Mary, chosen by God for this special assignment. Luke 2:10-11 says, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
Yes, celebrating His birth during this season is fine, but remember to focus more on why He was born in the first place. He is the perfect gift!
For God so loved the world (You)…John 3:16
He was born for YOU!
He died for YOU!
He was buried for YOU!
He was Resurrected for YOU!
He is waiting for YOU!