Philippians 4:13

January 2025

Valuable Mirror of Truth #6: Improve vs. Change

Read: Philippians 4:13


For many people, New Year’s Day is a time for celebration and reflection.  It signifies a time to begin again, to have a fresh start.  It’s an opportunity to set new goals, resolutions, etc.  Webster’s dictionary says, the difference between “improve” and “change” is that to improve is to make (something) better; to increase the value or productivity (of something), while change is to become something different.  I believe that all improvements require a change. I am encouraging you to focus on the change that leads to improvements in your life.  To become the best version of yourself and be all you were created to be, I invite you to consider looking through the valuable mirror of truth and see yourself through the eyes of God to make the necessary changes.  Only God can produce the change in your life that produces improvements that can positively impact your self-efficacy in every aspect of your life.  You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  ~2 Corinthians 5:17