Revelation 4:11

March 2025

Valuable Mirror of Truth #8: WORTH!

BTS Ministries would like to inform you of your Worth, and Priceless Value to the Almighty God of the Universe!

It is so humbling to think of how many people in the world think that they don’t have any Worth, and that their Lives hold no Value. 

But today, BTS MINISTRIES would like to remind everyone that you have great Worth, and that your Value, is Priceless

I am reminded of a Bible verse that states,

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast Created All things, and For Thy (God’s) Pleasure they Are and Were Created.”    Rev. 4:11, KJV

Did you receive that! My God, our God, Created all things, including You and I, and the very best part, for HIS PLEASURE!!! Hallelujah!

We are not an afterthought to God. We are not a Mistake. We are a Forethought, an Intentional Creation, crafted by the Awesome Hands of God!


Most of us are fortunate enough to see the magnificent beauty of God’s handiwork every day, in some way; whether it’s beholding the awesome skies, the bluest of waters, or the perfect shades of green, for our trees and grass. HE created all of nature just for His Divine pleasure! 

Then God made Us in HIS OWN image, also, for His great pleasure.  Gen. 1:27, KJV

You are not a Mistake; you are a Valuable, Uniquely Created Masterpiece of God, and that alone not only makes you Highly Valuable, but it makes your Worth, Priceless!


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