Psalms 8:3-6

February 2025

Valuable Mirror of Truth #7: You Are the Crown of God’s Creation!

Read: Psalms 8:3-6

Did you know that out of all of God’s creation, which God said was “very good,” you and I were made in the image and likeness of God the Creator? (see Genesis 1:26-27) Not only that, but God Himself breathed into our nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. (See Genesis 2:7) With every breath, you should be reminded of the goodness of God. Being made in the image and likeness of God means that God gave you the capacity to be a representation and a resemblance of who He is and to reflect His character.  We are the model (God’s image-bearers) of the supreme God for the world to see if you will.  No other part of creation can make that claim. Wow! What a crowning honor! He declared you valuable in His own eyes. 

So how are you measuring up to this honor? Does your life reflect His image, or are you listening to the lies of Satan that tell you in a variety of ways that you are flawed and not valuable?  The truth is that even when you may feel unlovable, God still values you as His creation, and as long as you have breath in your body, you can make a change. Take a look in the mirror and allow God to show you what adjustments need to be made.  After all, He knows what you should look and act like because He is the Creator and the Potter.